Why 2 Corinthians 5:17 is on every cross I make.

Why 2 Corinthians 5:17 is on every cross I make.

Why 2 Corinthians 5:17 is on every cross I make.

Many have asked why I sign each cross with 2 Corinthians 5:17. In that passage, Paul says that we are a new creation in Christ Jesus. If we are truly born again in Christ Jesus and made new in the Spirit, it is vitally important that we continue to daily ‘work out our salvation with fear and trembling’ (Philippians 2:12). We were once dead in our sins and separated from God, but now we are grafted into the Vine, which is Christ Jesus, the Messiah of the world. Isn’t this the most important subject that can fill our mind.

We cannot compare our salvation to anything because nothing can compare to it. It is more precious than all the riches in the world because we will live forever in total glory. No more pain, no more sickness, no more tears……only complete joy and total fulfillment. Is this too good to be true? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I am totally convinced it is true or else I’d be living it up like there was no tomorrow.

The fact is, I did live that lifestyle. I pursued every carnal urge I had and enjoyed it for years, but one day I woke up completely empty and I knew I could never be satisfied ever again with that lifestyle. I knew there had to be more and my search led me in every direction but to the Lord. Finally, at the complete end of myself, when there was nowhere else to turn, as a last resort, I turned to Christ and found such an abundance of life that I knew I could never turn back.

With that said, it is important to realize that this life in Christ is a battle. The war has been won, but we must actively engage daily in the battle against our soul. We all know that a newborn baby can’t walk. In time, after it gets the proper nourishment and builds muscles to hold itself up, it will start to crawl, then walk and before you know it, running. That is how it is for us. The sin nature that kept us bound has lost its power over us when we are born again. Where we didn’t have the power to resist sin before our conversion to Christ, now we do have power over sin and death through the Holy Spirit.

Even though we now have the power, we also still have a choice to make. We can choose to obey the Word or not obey it. God never takes away the ability to choose. Love is always a choice. The bottom line is this. We are new creations in Christ Jesus. It even goes on to say in 2 Corinthians 5:21 that we are ‘the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.’ This revelation is so powerful!!!!! Guard this truth of who you are with every ounce of strength you have. There are no riches or pleasures in this world that can compare with this great salvation that Jesus gave to us.

There is one more thing I want to add. Every believer in the world is fighting a battle. We are not alone. Let’s lift our brothers and sisters around the world up in prayer. I need it. You need it. We all need it. OK, one more thing. Pray for our country and its leaders. God bless America!!!!!

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